Dear SFUSD Colleagues,
We’re days away from the end of the 2020-21 school year, and I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you for all that you’ve done to support students and families during this past year. I know it hasn’t been easy, but you have stepped up in ways that continue to inspire and humble me. I am honored to continue to work together as we navigate the many challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in the coming year. We are united by a shared mission that every day we provide each and every student the quality instruction and equitable support required to thrive in the 21st century.
Please have a safe and restful summer.
Dr. Matthews
Student & Family Resource Link 1 Year Anniversary |
Over 92 agents (SFUSD staff from across various departments) have worked with the Student and Family Resource Link (SFRL) since its inception in April 2020 and have received an overall 94.8% customer satisfaction rating. The team received a RAVE award at the May 25, 2021 SF Board of Education meeting.
Established at the start of the pandemic to help families navigate resources and questions during school building closures and distance learning, the SFRL has fielded nearly 50,000 requests via Zendesk from SFUSD families and students.
Students and families can access the SFRL in three ways: through an online request form, email or phone line. Content experts from district departments respond to a variety of questions, including technology, distance learning, student enrollment, special education, food & nutrition, and physical & mental wellness. Multilingual content experts provide language access as needed in Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Filipino, Spanish and Vietnamese. The majority of requests are responded to on the same day or within a few days.
Virtual Reality Learning at Woodside Learning Center
When in-person learning returned to Woodside Learning Center at SF Juvenile Hall, students who entered the facility had to spend two weeks in a special medical intake unit to ensure they were COVID-free before joining longer term residents. While this created more isolation, Megan Mercurio, the teacher supporting the intake unit, created a virtual education program for this short but critical time period, using virtual reality tools and programs to explore interdisciplinary content deeply. |
Washington HS Empathy Project Supports English Learners
The Empathy Project, a 10-member team of staff from Washington HS and Central Office, identified 15 English Learner students and reached out to them and their caregivers via Zoom multiple times this past school year to learn more about their distance learning experience. It's an example of how departments can come together to support SFUSD’s focal populations. |
“I’m glad to be part of a school where our students exhibit excellence and pride in what they do.”
- Gary W. Johnson, Athletic Director, Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School |
Thanking Our Classified Employees
The California Department of Education designates the third week of May as “Classified School Employee Week” to honor the many contributions of classified employees.
During this past year of distance learning and transitioning to in-person learning, our classified employees continue to go above and beyond to support students and families. To all of our classified employees, from school lunch workers to security guards to custodians, we see you and appreciate you!
Amy Whitcomb, Sunnyside ES Teacher, Wins RAVE
Amy Whitcomb, Teacher at Sunnyside Elementary School, was nominated for her student-centered approach to teaching.
According to her nomination, Ms. Whitcomb connects to her students on their individual levels and needs. She is committed to every student’s academic and emotional well being and has a unique ability to connect every situation to a teachable moment.
Check out our other RAVE winners and nominees, or nominate an outstanding colleague or team who models the core values we are all RAVE-ing about. |
SFUSD is planning for a full 5-day in-person return on Aug. 16, 2021. Families should plan for a return in fall 2021 that is similar to pre-pandemic. SFUSD is exploring possibilities related to independent/virtual study options for families, which existed pre-pandemic for unique circumstances.
New Start and End Times
SFUSD is standardizing school start and end times for the 2021-22 school year. Beginning next fall, every school in the District will start at one of three times: 7:50 am, 8:40 am, or 9:30 am. The length of school days will vary for elementary, middle and high schools. Additionally, many schools will add a weekly early release day to support common planning time and professional development for teachers. View a full list of start and end times for the 2021-22 school year.
Health, Safety, and Wellness
Health and safety remain a priority, and fall return details are contingent on guidelines from local and state health departments.
Starting fall 2021, SFUSD will be partnering with the City and County of San Francisco to expand culturally relevant mental health services for SFUSD middle school students. With help from a private contribution provided by an anonymous donor, the initiative will start at three schools in 2021 and gradually expand over the next four years to serve 13 middle schools and three K-8 schools with Beacon Centers. Learn more about how this initiative builds upon a growing network of wellness support services for SFUSD students and families in San Francisco. |
Lincoln HS student featured on KCBS - Student Michael Yu from Lincoln HS is working to provide school supplies to kids with special needs during the COVID-19 crisis. He is featured on KCBS Radio as a Difference Maker.
Be in the Know
Launching in EMPowerSF this July 2021: Employee Central, Payroll, Time & Attendance - Watch the overview video and visit the EMPowerSF website to know what changes will improve your employee experience.
6th Annual Digital District Day: Equity, Agency & Opportunity - The all virtual event will take place on Monday, Aug. 9, 2021 from 8:30am-4:00pm. Digital District Day inspires SFUSD educators, staff, and leaders to dig deeper in the design of tech-enabled deeper learning experiences that build the SFUSD Graduate Profile Competencies for all students. Learn more about the day and please share the Digital District Day flyer! Sign up to attend at sfusd.edu/ddd. Questions? Contact Lindsey Blass (blassl@sfusd.edu), Allison Rothman (rothmana1@sfusd.edu), or Jessica Pederson (pedersonj@sfusd.edu)
Make Sure You Are Receiving OASIS Employee Announcement Emails - SFUSD now uses a system called Benchmark to send out the weekly OASIS employee announcement email to all employees. If you are not receiving the OASIS email, you may have unsubscribed at some point. To re-subscribe, email support@benchmarkemail.com and ask to re-subscribe to emails from oasis@sfusd.edu. |
Opportunities, Announcements, Site to do's and other Important Stuff.
SFUSD login required.
Apple IDs for All Staff and Students - Beginning next school year all SFUSD employees and students will have a district-issued Apple ID. This account will be accessed using the same username and password as one’s SFUSD Google account. Learn more.
Staff Device Collection Information - Any certificated, classified, paraeducator, and substitute staff ending employment with SFUSD or going on leave for more than one semester are expected to return their assigned district devices.
SFUSD Arts Department presents the 2020-2021 Arts Ambassadors - The SFUSD Arts Department proudly presents the 2020-2021 Arts Ambassadors as part of honoring individuals and organizations who have inspired our educational community through the excellent work they have done to promote the vision and the promise of the Arts Department and school district.
Got a great idea for a story that would inspire your fellow employees? Have suggestions for making the
SFUSD Insider better? Contact the Communications Office at newsline@sfusd.edu
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