A Message From Your Student Delegates
Hello High Schoolers!
Congratulations on making it this far into the school year! We are now in our last grading period and the countdown to the last day of school is getting closer and closer. This month is Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!! We encourage you all to learn something new about AAPI culture and spread love! We hope that you have gotten the chance to use resources from the last newsletter to be a better ally and advocate.
Another big event this May is National Mental Health Month. We reiterate the importance of self-care and we hope you routinely practice it. Some ways you can practice self care are checking in with your school's Wellness Center, catching up with a close friend, getting sunlight every day, and listening to your favorite songs. Self-care looks like so many different things and we hope you share how you practice self-care with those close to you.
Lastly before we finish this message, we want to remind each one of you to vote for the next year’s Student Delegate! You can learn more about the candidates and vote here!
It has been an honor representing you all this year and we hope you all continue to participate in youth power and follow each one of your passions.
In Strength,
Your 2020-2021 Student Delegates
Kathya Correa Almanza and Shavonne Hines-Foster
National Mental Health Month
It's essential to prioritize mental health and no one should feel alone in their mental health journey or without the resources and support they need. If you need help, check out these hotlines, support groups, and resources from the CDE, NAMI SF, and Willows in the Wind and don't forget you can always check in with your school's Wellness Center. |
Reminder: Vaccine Eligibility Now Open For Ages 16 and Up PLUS Ages 12-15 Eligible Soon
All people age 16 and over in San Francisco are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. People age 16 and over should visit SF.gov/getvaccinated to learn about options for receiving the vaccine and to find links to schedule appointments at different vaccination sites. Youth ages 12-15 will also soon be eligible for vaccination. The San Francisco Department of Public Health will be hosting a town hall on May 12 at 7 p.m. to answer questions.
This Week: SF Bike and Roll Week 2021
Bike & Roll Week, organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition as part of the Safe Routes to School Partnership led by the SFMTA, is for students city-wide to celebrate getting around under their own power. Whether you’re on a bike, scooter, wheelchair, or skateboard, it’s healthy, green, and FUN. Walking counts too! High school students can form teams to play the Bike & Roll Blowout, an app-based puzzle and creativity competition that teams can only win by getting out on wheels and/or participate in the all-ages art contest. Check out all the awesome activities and exciting prizes at sfbike.org/bikeandrollsf. |
2021-2022 Academic Calendar
If you're returning to SFUSD for the 2021-2022 school year, check out the 2021-2022 academic calendar to help plan for your year ahead. |
Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month with SFPL
The San Francisco Public Library is offering a treasure trove of programs exploring the richness, beauty and diversity of Asian American Pacific Islander cultures. Here are some highlights for high school students.
Presentation: Raf Salazar and Don Aguillo – May 18, 2 p.m. FILIPINO AMERICAN
Presentation: Elizabeth Yang with Career Girls – May 20, 10:30 a.m. HMONG AMERICAN
Presentation: Talk Story with Tui with PIEFEST – May 25, 12 p.m. PACIFIC ISLANDER AMERICAN
Performance: Halau Ha’a Kea o Kinohi – May 26, 6 p.m. NATIVE HAWAIIAN
Demonstration: K-Pop Dance Class – May 29, 1 p.m. KOREAN
Workshops for Your College Search
Reed College, Salve Regina University, and Six Colleges are hosting a variety of online workshops to help you find the right college for you and prepare your applications. See Reed's workshop schedule below:
Graduations For All
Graduations for All will provide staggered ceremonies on June 1-3, 2021 for 4,000 public school graduates. Schools with large graduating classes will be hosted at the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department’s iconic Kezar Stadium. Smaller public high schools will enjoy more intimate commencements at SFUSD’s McAteer High School campus overlooking Glen Canyon. All graduation ceremonies will comply with state and local health guidance. All students will be seated 6 feet apart. Each student will receive tickets to bring up to four guests and family pods of four will sit at least 6 feet from each other in the audience. Get more details and the schedule of ceremonies, and stay tuned for more information from your school.
Scholarship Opportunities
For an updated list of local scholarships and to learn more about financial aid, visit this SFUSD website. Here are a few featured opportunities.
- H. Welton Flynn Annual Scholarship (Due 5/15): Must be a high school male senior residing in San Francisco-Peninsula counties (Santa Clara, San Francisco, & San Mateo)
- CCSF Foundation Promise Scholarship (Due 5/28): Must possess a 2.75 unweighted cumulative high school GPA at the end of Fall 2020, be transfer-bound, enroll as part of Metro Transfer Academics cohort, maintain a 2.75 GPA at CCSF
- OCA-UPS Gold Mountain Scholarship (Due 5/31): $2000 each, awarded to 15 Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) students who are the first to go to college in their immediate family.
- 10,000 Degrees Community College Success Program Scholarship (Due 6/1): Students attending community college. No GPA requirement. $500 in just 40 minutes.
- Rose Pak Memorial Scholarship (Due 6/30): Must be entering or currently enrolled in 4-year institution in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022, must be member of API community, must come from low-income family, must demonstrate experience of leadership and intent to pursue a career in public service
CSU/UC Update
Both CSU's and UC’s have committed to in-person learning in the Fall 2021 semester. All students and staff will be required to have been vaccinated.
College Opening Updates
Seniors can still apply for four-year universities with rolling admissions! The National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has put together a list of colleges that are still accepting applications. You can sort by state to see colleges nearby (or far).
Be a Reading Mentor for Younger Students
Students in grades 9-11 can apply for the Aspire/BookNook Reading Program where older students are matched with younger students to read aloud and work on literacy activities online through video conferencing from June to August. You must attend two training sessions and commit to every Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu for 8 weeks.
11th Graders: Get Matched with a College Coach
Destination College is a program run by ScholarMatch to provide hands-on support to Bay Area high school students who are the first in their family to attend college. Participants are matched with a college coach who provides one-on-one guidance throughout the college application process. Current high school juniors can apply by May 15.
- Students from Lincoln, Lowell, and Washington have been featured throughout the year as part of KQED's Youth Takeover. Here are a few clips.
- Michael Yu, a student at Lincoln High School, is working to provide school supplies to kids with special needs during the COVID-19 crisis. Hear his story on KCBS.
- Tune into ABC7 News from now till Thursday at 4PM and 6PM, Friday at 6PM, and Saturday at 6PM to learn more about our 2021 Superintendent's 21st Century Award winners! You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see the videos. Congratulations to our winners!
- Irina Tamayo, John O'Connell
- Jackson Deng, Thurgood Marshall
- Romaissa Khaldi, Galileo Academy of Science
- Caleb Parker, Mission
- Kayvan Zahiri, Balboa
- Lana Nguyen, Washington
Follow SFUSD on social media for more updates! |
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