Dear SFUSD Colleagues,
I want to extend my deepest appreciation for all that you’re doing during this challenging time. I know there are also many examples of our core values in action all around us. At SFUSD we hold the value of being diversity-driven, which means we respect and seek to understand each person. This month we’re celebrating Women’s History Month throughout our schools.
In addition to ensuring our students learn about and celebrate women, we also strive to have inclusive school communities. SFUSD has a Gender Inclusive Language guidance document to support all staff to use language in a way that is free of gender bias. The guidance includes definitions and examples of inclusive language; recommendations for working with students regarding grammar and usage, and classroom culture; and resources for educators. We encourage our community to review this guidance.
Dr. Matthews
National School Social Worker Month |
San Francisco public schools are fortunate to have many different types of staff who support students. In recognition of National School Social Worker Month in March we are celebrating our school social workers who are essential to completing school communities.
During distance learning, school social workers have created meaningful virtual spaces for student healing and connection. Here are a few ways school social workers are supporting their communities:
- Heather Golden at Jefferson ES posts a weekly wellness video message for students and families.
- Geraldine Punzalan at Denman MS co-advises a Filipino student group with 10 students. The students decided they wanted to use the group time as a cooking class, so they partnered with the community organizations and had the food ingredients delivered to students before the meeting. They cook together on Zoom, making delicious meals for their families.
- Kniesha Primes at Civic Center Secondary School delivered homework and enrollment packets and food to students’ homes and will deliver hygiene packets this spring.
Public Appreciations for SFUSD Staff
"Since I just got off the phone with the guidance counselor, I just want to say how much I appreciate the weekly calls my child’s school is doing. I’m not sure if it’s all SFUSD schools, I’m under the impression it is, but I’m really grateful for that connection." - View on Twitter
"As hard as this school year has been, the ‘meet the author’ series has been magical. Thanks @SFUnified @Sydneydraws for sharing Small in the City." - View on Twitter |
"My daughter's 2nd grade @SFUnified teacher elaborately chalks happy birthday messages on the sidewalks in front of each kid's house, often with her own third grader and pre-schooler in tow." - View on Twitter
"Every 3rd grade class including my son’s PE today is focused on #BlackHistoryMonth. I appreciate that so much. @SFUnified" - View on Twitter
“I am proud to be in a school where we believe in each and every child's brilliance and power while overcoming challenges together.”
- Lily Chen, National Board Certified Teacher, Kindergarten Cantonese Biliteracy, Jean Parker ES |
Digital Learning Week 2021
Digital Learning Week is our annual event celebrating the work accomplished this year leveraging technology to deepen learning. Your hard work and deep commitment to your students and school community has pushed digital learning to new frontiers this year as our classrooms transformed into our homes and we learned to work in a virtual environment.
Digital Learning Week celebrates the achievements of SFUSD students and staff during these unprecedented times, uplifting that work and sharing it with the broader SFUSD community!
While Digital Learning Week is celebrated in February, the resources are still available online. Find information and resources for teachers, DLeaFs and administrators, and resouces from previous years. |
African American Honor Roll Celebration featured on KTVU - More than 1,500 students from across the district were honored in mid-February at the virtual 27th annual African American Honor Roll Celebration, presented by the San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators. Congratulations to our African American Honor Roll students!
Be in the Know
Resources to Support Educators to Address Anti-Asian Violence - In light of the recent violence in Atlanta and the ongoing rise in anti-Asian violence, xenophobia and racism, SFCSD has worked collectively with members across divisions to create this hyperdoc to offer a set of resources to support educators as they navigate these discussions.
Please note that this is a work-in-progress and has been included in our ongoing Resources to Respond to Current Events. You are welcome to ask questions, provide feedback and other resources to Grace Cheng at chengg@sfusd.edu or add to our shared document.
Make Sure You Are Receiving OASIS Employee Announcement Emails - SFUSD now uses a system called Benchmark to send out the weekly OASIS employee announcement email to all employees. If you are not receiving the OASIS email, you may have unsubscribed at some point. To re-subscribe, email support@benchmarkemail.com and ask to re-subscribe to emails from oasis@sfusd.edu.
COVID-19 Vaccinations - As of Monday, March 15, 2021, in accordance with the State’s prioritization plan, San Francisco will begin vaccinating people ages 16-64 with disabilities or with qualifying health conditions considered to put them at high risk for contracting or dying from COVID-19. Additionally, anyone who works in education is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. View SFUSD's COVID-19 vaccination sick leave policy.
Food Resources for Families in Need - Do you know a family in need of food? Please encourage them to visit any of our SFUSD Free Grab & Go meal sites. Meals are free for everyone and include breakfast, lunch, supper, fresh fruits and vegetables, and milk is available. You can also help students and families access school meals by volunteering at any of our Grab and Go sites. Volunteers assist outdoors with setup, line control, and breakdown. Learn more or sign up to volunteer here.
Opportunities, Announcements, Site to do's and other Important Stuff.
SFUSD login required.
Nearpod Trainings for Teachers, Grades 2-12 - Nearpod is a district-approved and purchased platform that generates participation, engagement, and checks for understanding. For English learners, there are built-in features that further support language development including text being read aloud and options for recording the teacher’s voice and students’ oral responses.
Attend the June Teacher Leader Institutes - Are you an active or aspiring teacher leader? Do you hold formal or informal leadership roles at your site or department (leading PLCs, serving on ILT or other leadership teams, leading a content or grade level team, or otherwise involved in site leadership)? If so, you are encouraged to attend the Teacher Leader Institute to deepen your leadership skills. |
Got a great idea for a story that would inspire your fellow employees? Have suggestions for making the
SFUSD Insider better? Contact the Communications Office at newsline@sfusd.edu
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