SFUSD Insider - September 2020 |
Bright Spots in Distance Learning
Dear SFUSD Colleagues,
We're almost a month into the new school year, and I know it's difficult to still be physically apart from our students and colleagues. I want to commend each and every one of you for tirelessly navigating new ways of working, disrupting systems of oppression, and actively working toward being anti-racist. I appreciate you.
As we look toward the rest of the fall semester, I hope you'll find inspiration -- just as I am -- in the creative lessons and bright spots happening in our virtual schools, from math escape rooms to our Equity and Inclusion Bitmoji Library. Do you have a fun lesson or bright spot to share? Send it to newsline@sfusd.edu and we may highlight it. Also, if you're on social media, post it with the hashtag #WeAreSFUSD. I look forward to celebrating our collective work!
Vincent Matthews, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
SF Loves Learning Returns for Season 2 |
Last spring, SFUSD teamed up with KTVU to create an educational television show especially for our youngest students to support their learning from home. Season 1 of SF Loves Learning aired on KTVU Plus from April 20 through June 2, 2020, and you can watch the story of Season 1 in this new video by SFGovTV!
Season 2 began this week and once again airs weekdays on KTVU Plus from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. SFUSD educators are invited to share 1-to 5-minute content aimed toward PK-2nd graders—lessons, activities, celebrations, greetings, stories, etc. Review this guidance document for tips on producing quality clips, then submit your content using this Community Voices Submission Form. The SF Loves Learning team will let you know if they are able to air your clip on the show. |
"Partnership starts with families and the student, respecting where they're at, where they come from, and the fabric that makes them who they are in that moment."
Joy Paterson, Teacher, SF Community Elementary School |
Learn More About Upcoming Education-Related Ballot Measures |
This Election Day, San Franciscans will vote on Proposition J, which addresses a legal loophole to continue providing funds to SFUSD and Proposition 15, which would increase revenue for public education and other services. Learn more about these measures.
Technology Tips for Educators and Staff |
In less than two minutes, refresh yourself on Zoom safety and security with our Top 7 Zoom Safety tips video (1:44). If you’d like to learn more about Zoom and its safety features, you can watch a recording of our Zoom Security Basics webinar (17:18) or check out our Zoom for Educators playlist on YouTube.
Wondering if your students are getting lost in a YouTube rabbit hole? YouTube links take learners to a video’s YouTube page, with related videos, suggestions for what to watch next, and comments/discussions on that page, which can sidetrack even the most focused student!
Instead, try inserting the video into Google Slides. It can be part of a larger deck or just a single, stand-alone slide with your video. Then, to have students watch the video, give them a link to the slide or deck. If it’s a YouTube video, they just need “viewer” access to the deck to be able to watch it. If it’s a video you recorded yourself (saved in Drive, not on YouTube), you’ll need to make sure your students also have “viewer” access to the video file in Google Drive. Watch a video on how to insert a YouTube video into a Google Slides deck.
Need help with sharing videos via Slides? Visit any upcoming Digital Learning Team office hours listed on the district’s PD calendar.
Invite families to join your Seesaw class by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right of your Seesaw class. Click on “Enable Family Access” and then on “Invite Families.” Families can be invited by email or mobile number. Once they join, they can view only their own child’s work. This is a great way for families to stay involved with their student’s classwork.
Ra Price, 4th Grade Teacher at Lafayette ES, Wins RAVE |
Ra Price, a 4th grade teacher at Lafayette ES, was nominated for working tirelessly to educate her students and for having a keen sense of social justice. According to her nomination, Ms. Price brings this lens to all of her instruction and class conversations.
Check out our other RAVE winners and nominees, or nominate an outstanding colleague or team who models the core values we are all RAVE-ing about.
In Person/Hybrid Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |
With new announcements every day about some schools opening to in-person instruction, we know there are a lot of questions about when SFUSD will be offering in person. SFUSD is actively preparing our school sites, having discussions with staff and monitoring health data closely so that when data and science suggest it is safe to do so, the district can begin to offer in-person options for students. Please read these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding in-person/hybrid learning.
School buildings are being utilized now in a variety of ways including as work spaces for educators who have requested a place to provide distance learning as well as meals and learning materials distributions. The intent of distance learning is and continues to be to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission. The success of our reopening will depend on the behavior of our community members in observing the SFDPH’s guidelines now so that we can decrease the spread of COVID-19.
Proud to Be SFUSD! Did You Catch These News Stories? |
Helping Queer Youth Through COVID - What support exists to help LGBTQ youth through this pandemic? Mauro Sifuentes, an educator for LGBTQ+ justice and LGBTQ Programs Coordinator at SFUSD, joined an expert panel to discuss LGBTQ support services.
Be in the Know
Speaker Series Discussing Research Related to Student Assignment - The SF Board of Education will vote on a new policy for how elementary school students are assigned to public schools in December. Stanford University Graduate School of Education and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education, in partnership with SFUSD and Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), are hosting an online speaker series about issues related to Student Assignment Policy in San Francisco.
SFUSD Enrollment Fair is Nov. 6-13 - The SFUSD PreK-12 Enrollment Fair is virtual this year! Families can learn how to apply and meet school representatives from the comfort of their home. Save the date: Nov. 6-13. More info to come.
Census 2020 - Help Make Sure Everyone Counts! - Every 10 years, everyone is counted in the U.S. regardless of immigration status. The Census Bureau will continue to collect Census surveys until September 30, 2020. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail. Go to the 2020 Census website OR call 844-330-2020 to get started. |
Opportunities, Announcements, Site to do's and other Important Stuff.
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The SFUSD Insider better? Contact the Communications Office at newsline@sfusd.edu
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