MARCH 2025 
Dear SFUSD Families:
Dr. Maria Su, SFUSD Superintendent

Happy Women’s History Month! I deeply appreciate the trailblazing women who have come before me as leaders of our district. Our schools are filled with incredible female and gender diverse leaders, from principals to teachers to support staff, who help guide the next generation of leaders in our classrooms every day. This month we continue to uplift and honor women, as well as the importance of gender diversity in our school communities. 


Ensuring fiscal responsibility remains a priority in our district. As I shared previously, we must reduce our budget by $113 million for the 2025-26 school year. While these budgetary challenges will require us to make difficult decisions, our core values remain unchanged. Our students will always remain at the center of decisions, ensuring that resources are allocated in a way that supports their success while working within the confines of our budget. 


On a related note, I want to invite you to our upcoming virtual Town Hall on Thursday, March 13 about our budget and district stabilization efforts. I encourage you to participate in our conversation. 


Thank you for your continued partnership. 

In community,

Dr. Maria Su

SFUSD Superintendent

Budget Updates

In order to balance its budget and ensure fiscal responsibility, SFUSD must reduce its budget by $113 million for the 2025-26 school year. 

At the March 11 Board Meeting, SFUSD presented the Second Interim Budget Report for the 2024-25 school year. Having a clearer picture of our budget at this time will also be a factor in how many positions we ultimately have to reduce.


Join Dr. Su for a virtual town hall on Thursday, March 13 from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m to talk about SFUSD’s budget and stabilization efforts. Learn more and RSVP.


Please check for updates, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and more detailed budget information. 


SUN Bucks - Summer 2025


Now is the best time to make sure our eligible students can receive a $120 SUN Bucks card in Summer 2025! It is never too late to submit the 2024-2025 SFUSD Multipurpose Family Income Form (MFIF) online at Submitting the MFIF will help families ensure their eligibility is documented so they can receive SUN Bucks. Eligible families must also ensure that their mailing address in Synergy is up to date so their card gets to them.



Eligibility for SUN Bucks 2025 began on July 1, 2024, and goes through August 31, 2025.

  • To receive SUN Bucks by June 2025, please submit a MFIF to confirm eligibility by March 31, 2025.
  • If a family submits for eligibility after March 31, 2025, they can still receive SUN Bucks, however it will arrive AFTER June 2025.
  • This information can be found on the California Department of Education website, in the “Application” tab.

If a family’s eligibility for Free or Reduced Lunch has been established between July 1, 2024 and now, either via Direct Certification or the MFIF, they do not need to resubmit anything. If a family has not yet established their eligibility, they need to submit their MFIF at


Parents/Guardians are sent student school benefits eligibility letters to the email address on file with SFUSD. They can search their inbox for SFUSD Direct Certification or SFUSD MFIF Results, and learn their results. To access the letter they should create an account in, which stores the letters for future use. Check out this helpful guide.

Following Up After a Family-Teacher Conference 
Family-Teacher conferences happened last week. Take the time to talk to your student and follow up. Are there goals that need to be set? How are their attendance habits in 2025? What can you do to help your student succeed the rest of the school year? Learn more.
Enrollment Assignments - Helpful Information


For families that applied during our Enrollment Period (before Jan 31):

To learn more about your options after you have received your assignment letter in mid March, you can go to our webpage: and/or attend one of our enrollment workshops (check out our workshop flyer in multiple languages for more information and links).


Applicants who do not get assigned to their top choice school during the Main Round will be automatically placed onto waitlists for their top choice schools, up to five schools, without having to re-apply. Main Round applicants do not need to take any action to join waitlists, but they will be able to remove themselves from waitlists if they wish to do so. Each student's assignment letter will contain any relevant information about their waitlist status at that time. Learn more.


For families who DIDN'T apply during our Enrollment Period but still want to apply for school next year:

There is still time to apply, but the process is a little different than it's been in the past. Check out these videos for more information about how the process will work: EnglishSpanishCantonese.


Kindergarten to College's 2025 Art & Video Contests - “A Future Worth Saving For” 


Current Kindergarten to 12th grade SFUSD and district affiliated charter school students with an active K2C account can win a $500 scholarship. Learn more.


Contact: JP Davis, Community Engagement Coordinator at

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 24 at 5 p.m.


SFUSD neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity described in this announcement. This distribution is provided as a community service.

2025 Superintendent's 21st Century Awards - Application Deadline is Thursday, March 27, 2025  
The Superintendent’s 21st Century Award will be granted to six graduating SFUSD seniors who exemplify a particular strength in one or more of the characteristics of the SFUSD Graduate Profile. All SFUSD seniors are eligible for this award regardless of citizenship status. Recipients of the Superintendent’s 21st Century will each receive a $3,000 scholarship and be featured in a video and on SFUSD social media. Learn more.
San Francisco Department of Elections Spring 2025 High School Elections Ambassador Program 


Applications for the San Francisco Department of Elections Spring 2025 High School Elections Ambassador program are now available. The program coincides with the State of California's Spring 2025 High School Voter Education Weeks, April 14 – 25. During the program, the students will develop outreach plans, create promotional materials, and host outreach events to promote pre-registration for eligible high school students. Application deadline is March 26. Application.


SFUSD neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity described in this announcement. This distribution is provided as a community service.

MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition  
On February 22, at Lawton Alternative School, 157 middle school students from 17 schools competed in a MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition, annually held the last Saturday in February. Six SFUSD schools (A.P. Giannini, Francisco, Herbert Hoover, Lawton, Rooftop, and Presidio) participated. Hoover came in 3rd overall and various SFUSD students placed in the top 25% of competitors. "Offering this opportunity to our students really helps them flourish in math. It was great to see so many SFUSD middle schools participate this year. I hope we can get even more schools involved in the future," says Chris Robison, math teacher and coach from Herbert Hoover Middle SchoolLearn more.
Malcolm X Academy Receives the Gift of Shoes 
The organizations Shoes That Fit and O.U.R. Mothers worked with Malcolm X Academy in February to ensure that all students at school had comfortable shoes that feel good to move in. The children were so excited to try out their new shoes! Shoes That Fit believes: "Proper shoes empower children to run free at recess, participate in sports, engage with peers shame-free, get a boost of confidence, concentrate in class, and experience less stress."

Spark SF Public Schools and SFUSD Release 2023-24 Annual Report: Showcasing the Transformative Power of Public-Private Partnerships


This month, SFUSD and Spark SF Public Schools, SFUSD’s official nonprofit partner, announced the release of the 2023-24 Annual Report for Spark SF Public Schools, highlighting the impactful role of philanthropy and community partnerships in advancing student success. Since its founding in 2015, Spark SF Public Schools has mobilized over $138 million to support the district’s highest-priority initiatives — investing $14.7 million in Fiscal Year 2024 alone.


Entering its 10th anniversary year, Spark SF Public Schools continues to work in close collaboration with SFUSD Superintendent Dr. Maria Su to ensure every student has access to an excellent education. The report showcases how Spark’s strategic public-private partnerships have helped drive measurable student success and improve SFUSD’s public school system.


Read the full press release.

"Volleyball has definitely strengthened my work ethic and mental health — the spot on the team helped solidify myself as a student here at George Washington." 
-Boorchi Tumurchudur, Senior at George Washington High School
Read more #WeAreSFUSD stories or submit your own #WeAreSFUSD story for a chance to be featured on SFUSD’s website and social media pages.
"Biology is my favorite. I like science because I want to be a scientist when I grow up!" 
-Tatiana, sixth grade student at Paul Revere PK-8 school
"As a San Francisco resident for over four decades, and working for SFUSD,  I am living my dream of providing our vibrant and diverse students with meaningful opportunities to thrive and succeed in our remarkable city."  
-Byron Gougoumis, Assistant Principal at Dr. Martin Luther King Academic Middle School
SFUSD Schools Brightened Up San Francisco's Lunar New Year Parade on Feb. 15!
March Dates:


March 28-April 4 - Spring Break (SFUSD TK-13 school sites closed)

March 30-31 - Eid al-Fitr

March 31 - Cesar Chavez Day Observance (EED and TK-13 school sites closed)


SFUSD calendars.

Student and Family Services Division
Can help with...
Student Attendance Review Board
Records Requests 
Location and Contact
Phone: 415-340-1716 
Transcript & Work Permit Office
Student transcripts
Work Permits
20 Cook Street, Room 11
Phone: 415-750-4500
Student Nutrition Services
Breakfast + Lunch program
Free meals for all students
MFIF results
Phone: 415-749-3604
Transportation Services
Transportation for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
General Education busing  
Transportation bus service for paid, athletic, and art program trips
Phone: 415-695-5505
Enrollment Center 
Student enrollment
Language assessments
Address change
555 Franklin Street
1520 Oakdale Avenue
Phone: 415-241-6085

Don’t see what you’re looking for and need assistance? Contact Student Family School Resource Link


Call 415-340-1716 * or email or see the Contact Us page


*Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (Closed from 12 p.m - 1 p.m every day). Phones will also be closed on school holidays. Callers can leave a voicemail at all hours.
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