SFUSD Insider | January 2025 |
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Happy New Year! I hope you had a good start to the spring semester after a well-deserved rest during Winter Break. We begin the year continuing our focus on our student outcome goals for 3rd grade literacy, 8th grade math, and college and career readiness, even as we face difficult decisions to balance our budget.
Speaking of the budget, once again this year we will use a School Staffing Plan to guide the process of allocating staff and funding to schools as part of our budget development process for 2025-26. We will share opportunities for engagement and feedback soon.
As you are likely aware, the Board of Education approved the Supplemental Early Retirement Plan (SERP) as an incentive for eligible employees to retire from the district on June 30, 2025. I understand that you may be interested in learning more about the plan and determining whether participating in this plan is right for you. I encourage you to sign up for one of the remaining individual counseling sessions this month to help you make an informed decision before the Feb. 21 application deadline. You can learn more about the SERP at sfusd.edu/serp (employee login required), including eligibility requirements, frequently asked questions, and resources from past meetings.
Please read further for important updates and bright spots around SFUSD.
In community,
Dr. Su
Resources for Immigrant Students and Families
With upcoming changes in the federal administration, we want to take this opportunity to reiterate SFUSD’s commitment to protecting the rights of our students, families, and staff. We have been coordinating closely with the City and County of San Francisco and California Department of Education to ensure we have resources and plans in place for supporting vulnerable communities. Read Dr. Su's letter to the SFUSD community to learn more. |
Budget Updates
SFUSD must implement $113 million in reductions for 2025-26 to balance its budget. The district has been taking corrective action to get closer to balancing the budget, including reducing central office staff; eliminating hundreds of vacant positions; reducing rentals, leases, repairs, and non-capital expenditures; and reducing costs for materials and supplies, contractors, and conferences. Review our Budget FAQs and read our recent press release. |
Everything SERP
Did you receive a SERP pre-qualification letter? Making a retirement decision involves coordinating multiple agencies and retirement funds. The SERP is separate from and in addition to any other retirement plans you may have, and it does not affect them. It is best to meet individually with each significant entity that will provide you with benefits during your retirement to gather a comprehensive understanding of your retirement finances and benefits.
Below is a list of common retirement agencies you should consider contacting. Everyone’s retirement accounts and finances are different, so it is up to you to coordinate with the entities most relevant to you.
- SERP - Schedule an appointment at https://sfusdserp.appointy.com to meet with an individual counselor and receive you personalized benefit sheet and enrollment packet
- CalSTRS – Schedule an individual appointment with a CalSTRS counselor by calling 800-228-5453 or visit www.calstrs.com.
- SFERS - You may attend a SFERS webinar schedule a retirement consultation with a SFERS representative by visiting www.mysfers.org.
- CalPERS - Schedule an individual appointment with a CalPERS counselor by calling 888-CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) or visit www.calpers.ca.gov.
- Retiree Medical Benefits – You may schedule an appointment to consult with a District Benefits team member by visiting https://go.oncehub.com/SFUSDBenefits.
- Social Security and Medicare - If you are eligible for monthly income payments or Medicare benefits, you can contact Social Security at 800-772-1213.
For FAQs and live meeting recordings, visit www.sfusd.edu/serp. You may also contact Keenan Financial Services at 800-444-9995, ext. 3671 or email Keenan at KFSTechSupport@Keenan.com.
SF Board of Education Elects Leaders for 2025
At the Jan. 14, 2025 regular meeting, the San Francisco Board of Education unanimously elected Commissioner Phil Kim to serve as president and Commissioner Jaime Huling to serve as vice president. Read the press release. |
SFUSD Anti-Tobacco/Vaping Art and Video Contest “Don’t Get Cuffed for Puffs.”
Who: 4th to 12th grade students in SFUSD schools
When: Now - March 25, 2025
Why: Help educate your community on vaping usage and tobacco products in a fun and creative way.
The SFUSD Student Health Advisory Board is introducing the 2025 PSA contest, Don’t Get Cuffed for Puffs. SFUSD students get to create either a 30-90 second video or any form of art (spoken words, poetry, infographics) on a minimum of 8x11 page and maximum 11x17 page to help spread the awareness of tobacco and vaping prevention. Students can win up to $200 in prizes for their original creations, and their work will be displayed on SF Muni. View flier.
All Things W-2
At the end of January, your W-2 should be in your profile in EMPowerSF under the Pay Information link. Paper copies are mailed in order to be received by the end of January 2025, to your home address on file in EMPowerSF. If you don't receive your W-2 online or by mail, you can submit a help ticket to eis.sfusd.edu in February. |
Frontline and Red Rover Updates
Professional Development Language and Literacy Institute on Jan. 25
Time and location: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the South San Francisco Conference Center (255 S Airport Blvd, South San Francisco)
The workshops will cover foundational skills, access to complex text and vocabulary, structures for using the Amira app, InquirED Social Studies curriculum, integrated and designated ELD, planning with SFUSD colleagues, and more.
Develop educator expertise in language and literacy practices that support high quality curriculum implementation.
Provide educators with differentiated support through a diverse range of workshop offerings, designed in response to educator feedback and highlighted areas of need.
View registration details and a list of workshops. Compensation is provided through Prop G or Extended Calendar hours. |
Teaching and Learning Collaborative Book Study
The Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC) provides coaching for individuals, pairs, or teams of teachers in a self-identified area of teaching practice. Teachers are invited to a book study the months of February and March. The book is
Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning, Six Steps to Jumpstart Your Practice by Jennifer L. Pusateri. Each participant will receive a free copy of the book, a certificate of completion, and celebratory gifts. Earn up to 12 QTEA hours. Learn more and register. |
Mental and Physical Health Resources
Enrollment Application Deadline Coming Soon!
Main Round applications are due Jan. 31, 2025. All families who do not get their first choice school will be automatically added to the wait lists of up to five schools on their application. Families applying for the first time after Jan. 31 will be added to wait lists for schools of their choice and assigned to a school with space. Read more about the simplified enrollment process.
Three SFUSD Administrators Win ACSA Awards
The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region 5 Executive Board, and the San Francisco and San Mateo Charters Membership, will recognize the outstanding achievements of three SFUSD administrators at an awards dinner this spring. Congratulations to Son-Hui (Sonny) Wong, Assistant Principal at Ulloa ES; Exective Director Michelle Lin Chang; and Rosina York Lan Tong, Principal at Sunset ES! Read their bios below. |
Son-Hui (Sonny) Wong is the Assistant Principal at Ulloa ES. She has served multiple school communities across SFUSD as a classroom teacher, math content specialist, and site administrator for 19 years. She has served as an administrator specifically for 11 of those years. Human-centered leadership is a core component to Sonny’s educational philosophy. This guiding principle results in her fierce advocacy for equity and social justice learning in all schools. During her three years at Ulloa, she has focused on developing sustainable systems and structures, and making shifts in the culture and climate of the school, particularly around Restorative Practices, student discipline, and increasing student voice, all within the framework of equity and social justice. She is also an active participant in various district-level working groups and initiatives that support stakeholders within the SFUSD community, affinity groups, and peers. |
Executive Director Michelle Chang began her career with SFUSD in 1998 as a classroom teacher, eventually stepping into the role of principal. Currently, she works in LEAD, supporting site leaders at 16 schools — and she absolutely loves her job! She is deeply passionate about fostering student growth, supporting all learners, and empowering school leaders to create environments where every student can thrive and experience the joy of learning. |
Rosina Tong is a passionate and visionary educator with a career that spans various roles — including paraeducator, bilingual teacher, founding principal, and executive director. Rosina has a deep understanding of every element of education. Returning to her roots in a school as a principal, she has found her true calling, where working with students makes her heart sing. She has cultivated a school culture that celebrates diversity, fosters academic excellence, and ensures every student feels valued. She firmly believes that this work cannot be done alone. It thrives through partnership and community, where collaboration with teachers, parents, and stakeholders is essential to shaping the best possible future for students. At her core, Rosina is driven by one simple truth: to do the work for the kids. |
"I have taught English, journalism, and now I'm Director of the Academy of Arts, Media & Entertainment. In the Academy and Broadcast Club we’ve had to change with the times. Using vertical video is a great example. It’s important to be updated. What we did 10 years ago wouldn't work today."
SFUSD Cross-Site Public Research Lesson at Leonard L. Flynn Elementary School
On Dec. 18, SFUSD teachers, staff, community partners, and parents/guardians had the chance to observe a 5th grade lesson using the Teaching through Problem Solving curriculum and the use of lesson study. The lesson was a result of a collaborative research lesson planning with four teachers across different SFUSD schools: Sanchez, John Muir, Daniel Webster, and Flynn.
AJ Johnson ("Miss AJ"), 5th grade teacher at Flynn ES, led the public lesson. Teachers and audience members reflected on the question: '
How do we support students to engage collectively in productive struggle?'
After the lesson, there was a discussion by Knowledgeable other Dr. Akihiko Takahashi who shared observations about student learning and next steps for the team. In the afternoon, attendees went to workshops led by scholars from local universities and SFUSD.
SFUSD is scaling a promising practice originated at John Muir ES with the support of $4 million through a partnership between SFUSD and the City and County of San Francisco. Teaching Through Problem Solving is a whole school approach to improving mathematics and literacy outcomes for focal student populations that is credited for the 3rd - 5th grade SBAC data growth for John Muir students. Also, positive attitudes about math are a major goal. For example, 95% of Miss. AJ's class at Flynn ES currently enjoys math!
The program has been implemented by Willie Brown MS. It will be implemented by Webster ES next. |
Yick Wo ES Wins Holiday Card Contest
Burton HS Band Plays at Mayor Daniel Lurie's Inauguration
On Jan. 8, 2025, the Burton High School Puma Marching Band and Color Guard entertained the crowd after Mayor Lurie's inauguration in Civic Center Plaza. The mayor and his family enjoyed the song "Celebration" as they walked into City Hall. The band is led by Manuel Young. Ian, a ninth grader at Burton, served as the conductor of the band. Learn more about the band. |
February Dates:
Feb. 17 - Presidents Day (SFUSD school sites and offices closed)
Feb. 28-March 29 - Ramadan
SFUSD calendars.
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