Dear SFUSD Families,
During these first few weeks as your new superintendent, I’ve had the pleasure to meet, listen to, and learn from our wonderful families, our amazing students, and our dedicated staff. Thank you for sharing your hopes, dreams, and concerns with me as we work through our challenges and build a brighter future for San Francisco public schools.
I recognize that it has been a challenging time for our district and that decisions made in these past weeks have caused considerable hurt and uncertainty among our families. I am committed to rebuilding trust between you and our district through more dialogue and conversation.
I am already working to address my immediate priorities, including balancing our budget so we can maintain local control of our decisions and finances, and tackling the operational challenges that have hindered our progress. I know that there are still many difficult decisions ahead of us, but with your support, I am confident that we can overcome our challenges and continue to focus on the reason we are all here – our students. Throughout this process, I will keep you informed with timely, accurate, and accessible information.
I look forward to continuing to immerse myself in our school communities to listen and learn from all of you.
Please continue reading for helpful resources and bright spots at our schools.
In community,
Dr. Su
Enrollment Application Reminder - School Year 2025-26
If your child is entering transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, middle school, or high school next year, they will need to apply to a new school.
Learn the steps to apply today. The deadline to apply is Jan. 31, 2025. |
Parent-Teacher Conference Week
Elementary, K-8 schools, and middle schools have parent-teacher conferences the week of Nov. 18 - 22. Talk to your school about how to register and to find out about special schedules.
Balboa High School Red Cross Club in the Spotlight
"Every event and meeting connects back to the core values of the Red Cross, helping our members grow in leadership, build essential skills, and make a positive impact in our community—all while having a great time," says Kamryn Le, the Balboa High School Red Cross Club President.
This month the club will hold an event called
"Cards for Veterans," in honor of Veterans Day. The event brings together members/volunteers to create heartfelt thank-you cards for veterans to show appreciation and gratitude for their service and sacrifice. Read more about Red Cross Youth Clubs. |
Inclusive Schools Week, Dec. 2-6, 2024
Each year SFUSD participates in national Inclusive Schools Week during the first week of December, to deepen understanding of disabilities and the intersection of disabilities with other categories of identity; and to explore ways to strengthen inclusion so that we welcome all students and families. This year's theme is "Every Voice Matters." Check out the links to learn more & explore SFUSD resources, and join in the celebration! |
SFUSD Honor Roll Schools Celebrated at the Excellence in Business Awards Gala
On Oct. 22, Excellence in Business Awards recognized 22 SFUSD schools who made the California Honor Roll. The annual Honor Roll, presented by Educational Results Partnership, is part of the national Campaign for Business and Education Excellence. The goal of the Honor Roll is to find and highlight successful schools and districts and encourage collaboration among educators on best practices for raising student achievement. |
Food Resources Available During Fall Recess (Nov. 25-29)
Student Nutrition Services will only be providing meals to Early Education sites on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26. Here are food resources for other students during the break:
San Francisco Human Services Agency, sfhsa.org/services/food or 415-557-5000, for information on food services: Calfresh (FoodStamps), Calfresh for Immigrants, free food locations, groceries, and meals.
The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank is operating temporary Pop-up Pantries. Use the Food Locator to find sites near you. The time and location of Pop-up Pantries may change.
SFUSD Winter Literacy Fair
Join us for our PK-5 Winter Literacy Fair on Saturday, Dec. 7 at César Chávez Elementary School from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Explore literacy resources and help improve your child's reading during the winter. All families are welcome to attend! This event is hosted by the SFUSD District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Registration encouraged. |
No Family Announcements Bulletin (FAB) during Fall Recess
RISE-SF and Good Samaritan Family Resource Center are Partnering with SFUSD's Enrollment Center
We are excited to announce monthly Spanish language public benefits workshops for newly arrived SFUSD immigrant families at 555 Franklin St. in the Board of Education room. These workshops will take place on the last Friday of every month from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Upcoming dates include Nov. 29 and Jan. 31 (no workshop in December). Flier in Spanish. |
Bond Program in Action!
SFUSD’s Bond Program has had a busy summer and fall. We are working on many projects around the district, including:
West Portal Elementary: replacing old, dilapidated bungalows with two new buildings
Mission Bay School and Mission Bay Hub new building construction
Everett Middle School: full schoolyard renovation
Security and technology upgrades at schools all around the district
Outdoor furniture & equipment to support learning outside
In the November election, San Francisco voters will consider a $790 million bond measure. If approved, this funding will go directly to improve the conditions of school buildings - from modernizing classrooms to fixing roofs and ventilation systems to upgrading technology and cafeterias.
Check out our 2024 Bond Report - hot off the presses - to learn more about the goals, investment categories, and commitments of the Bond Program. |
"I'm proud to say that I was a SFUSD kid, having graduated from Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High School. Burton High School made higher education possible by allowing me to continue my high school education in a safe and encouraging environment. After high school, I earned my A.A. degree from City College of San Francisco. Then I went on to earn my B.A. double majoring in criminal justice and philosophy from University of Hawai'i. Afterward, I earned my juris doctorate from an ABA-accredited law school in San Diego. Burton played a pivotal role in helping me DREAM BIG."
-Dr. Ruby Uasami "Fanaika" Fa'agau, Phillip and Sala Burton High School alumnus |
“Cross country is not just about running your own race, it’s about working with your team and running with a group and pushing each other.”
-Cyrus, 10th grader and cross country runner at Abraham Lincoln High School |
November Dates:
Nov. 1 - Diwali
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
During November SFUSD celebrates Native American Heritage Month, and all year we are committed to uplifting the richness of culture, wellness, and knowledge of the Bay Area's and the nation's indigenous peoples. Explore these resources to celebrate and support students all year long: SFUSD American Indian Resource Guide. |
Student and Family Services Division |
Student Attendance Review Board
Records Requests |
Transcript & Work Permit Office |
Student transcripts
Work Permits
Student Nutrition Services |
Breakfast + Lunch program
Free/reduced lunch applications
Pandemic EBT
Transportation for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
General Education busing
Transportation bus service for paid, athletic, and art program trips
Student enrollment
Language assessments
Address change
555 Franklin Street
1520 Oakdale Avenue
Don’t see what you’re looking for and need assistance? Contact Student Family School Resource Link
Call 415-340-1716 * or email sflink@sfusd.edu or see the Contact Us page
*Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (Closed from 12 p.m - 1 p.m every day). Phones will also be closed on school holidays. Callers can leave a voicemail at all hours. |