Congratulations to the Class of 2024! |
Tomorrow is the last day of the 2023-24 school year. Congratulations to all SFUSD graduates! I am so proud of our SFUSD students. Just in this last month of school I have observed second graders at Redding Elementary performing experiments on how light and shadows work, celebrated our AccessSFUSD student artists at their performance at the ACT theater (and even purchased student art that is now hanging in my office!), and spoke to Mission Bay Hub students who had a fellowship in the prosthetics department this semester and actually created a prosthetic foot. We are ending the year having met two of our interim goals for literacy, including doubling the percentage of African American and Pacific Islander kindergarten students who are meeting literacy standards. We hope to realize even greater improvement as elementary teachers have just received their new curriculum and will be attending training this summer. While we still face challenges as a district, there are many wonderful teaching and learning bright spots that we are excited to celebrate from this year, and look forward to expanding upon next school year.
As we head into the summer, I want to remind you that just because school is out doesn’t mean that learning stops! In fact, there are many ways you can encourage your child to continue their learning all summer long. Keep reading this month’s family newsletter for ideas to continue your child’s learning journey during the summer months.
I also want to assure you that we will continue to share updates about what’s happening in SFUSD throughout the summer. Please continue to check, read the Family Announcements Bulletin (FAB), and check out our monthly newsletters to stay connected.
I hope you and your family have a safe and wonderful summer. Thank you for all that you do to contribute to the success of San Francisco public schools. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday, Aug. 19.
In community,
Dr. Wayne
Newsletter Navigation
Featured in this month's family newsletter: |
SFUSD is engaged in a process to align our resources to our goals for student outcomes. This includes planning for school mergers, co-locations, and closures in the 2025-26 school year. At the Board of Education regular meeting on June 25, SFUSD leadership will present recommendations on the criteria, categories, weights, and metrics to create composite scores for each school. These scores will be among multiple factors in our recommendations for changes to SFUSD’s school portfolio for the 2025-26 school year. |
On May 14, the Board of Education approved a resolution to put the 2024 General Obligation Bond on the Nov. 5, 2024 San Francisco ballot. The proposal puts forward significant renovations and targeted facility upgrades, and invests in healthy meals for students, technology and network improvements, outdoor learning spaces, and safe school buildings. Learn more about SFUSD's Bond Program. |
High School Graduation Ceremonies
2024 high school graduation ceremonies are taking place this week! Find out when and where your high school will hold its graduation ceremony or get the livestream link. |
Last Day of School
The last day of the 2023-24 school year is Tuesday, June 4. Have a great summer vacation, and we look forward to welcoming you back on Aug. 19, 2024!
Key Dates for Fall 2024
- Aug. 19, 2024: First day of school
- Sept. 2, 2024: Labor Day (holiday)
- Oct. 14, 2024: Indigenous Peoples' Day (holiday)
- Nov. 11, 2024: Veterans Day (holiday)
- Nov. 25-29, 2024: Fall Recess (school sites closed)
March with SFUSD in the Pride Parade
SFUSD has been a leader in providing LGBTQ+ student services and inclusive curriculum for nearly 35 years. Celebrate our collective commitment to all students and families by being part of our official contingent in SF's Pride Parade on Saturday, June 30. |
Summer Programs and Opportunities
San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) Summer Stride
Join SFPL in Summer Stride, the library's annual summer learning, reading, and exploration program! Earn a tote bag by reading or listening to books and participating in library activities. Teens can also join the Summer Youth Volunteer program. |
Superintendent's 21st Century Award Winners
Six graduating seniors who exemplify the characteristics of SFUSD’s Graduate Profile were awarded with scholarships and honored at a ceremony on May 1 during Ignite Potential 2024. Congratulations to the winning students! |
New! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About SFUSD's Budget
Get Ready for Summer Meals
SFUSD will provide free breakfast and lunch to any San Francisco youth. Meals will be available at SFUSD school sites with summer programs, and youth do not need to be enrolled in a program to get a meal. Find a list of summer meal sites using the California Meals for Kids mobile app.
SUN Bucks Summer Food Program
SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer.
Summer Safety Tips
Hot weather provides opportunities for kids to enjoy the outdoors. Take steps to keep them safe and healthy, both indoors and outdoors.
Required Immunizations for Fall
Make sure your child is up to date on all required immunizations before school entry on August 19.
Need to Change Schools Next Year?
Participate in New to SF Enrollment beginning July 8, and submit a Wait Pool application by Aug. 7. If you're leaving SFUSD, email to let us know.
Stay in Touch During Summer
The weekly Family Announcements Bulletin (FAB) and the monthly family email newsletter will continue over the summer. Families automatically receive FAB and this newsletter unless you unsubscribe. If you need to subscribe, sign up at the link below.
All SFUSD schools and offices will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth.
Eid al-Adha
Eid al-Adha is expected to begin on Monday, June 17. Eid al-Adha Mubarak!
Staircase of Imagination
SFUSD partnered with San Francisco-based interior design company VIVAS, and Roland DGA to create “Staircase of Imagination,” a graphic sensory mural along a main corridor at Sherman Elementary School, complete with a mix of textured, sensory-friendly elements aimed specifically at students who process information differently.
Read the story in the Examiner
The Motivation Power of STEM
Mission Bay Hub is a one-year, specialized STEM program for 11th and 12th graders and counts toward a science, English, and elective credit. Students, who come for half the day from their high schools, learn more about science disciplines such as biochemistry and neuroscience.
Read the story in Education Week
Student and Family Services Division |
Student Attendance Review Board
Records Requests |
Transcript & Work Permit Office |
Student transcripts
Work Permits
Student Nutrition Services |
Breakfast + Lunch program
Free/reduced lunch applications
Pandemic EBT
Transportation for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
General Education busing
Transportation bus service for paid, athletic, and art program trips
Student enrollment
Language assessments
Address change
555 Franklin Street
1520 Oakdale Avenue
Don’t see what you’re looking for and need assistance? Contact Student Family School Resource Link
Call 415-340-1716 * or email or see the Contact Us page
*Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (Closed from 12 p.m - 1 p.m every day). Phones will also be closed on school holidays. Callers can leave a voicemail at all hours. |